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> parent help


Track Team helpers

We are always seeking helpers to assist the track team
Team activities include:
- data entry
- track 
- starters

If interested contact us at the clubhouse.

a successful and efficiently run centre .... starts with our volunteers

Without parent / guardian support and help it is impossible for our centre to run successfully and your children to have full engagement in the sport.  The committee wishes to stress the importance of parents and guardians becoming involved in your children's sport and the running of the program each week..

Please don’t wait to be asked – Come forward and offer your assistance to help keep the centre running effectively.

ways you can be involved

set up / packing up

Setting up involves arriving early and putting out the equipment, shade tents and age baskets for the day’s activities.   The club organises a roster for aiding in the setup by age group to guide you which is published in the weekly newsletter.


As the events finish all parents should help put the equipment away. To get started on time please offer your assistance on arrival to put out any equipment or help put up the shade tents. We have over 20 shade tents to put up and down each week.

age group marshal

The Age Marshal looks after each age group by walking them to each event and recording the athlete’s performance on the recording sheet. At the end of the day, the Age Marshal fills in the athletes recording tickets. Most athletes enjoy having their parents act as Age Marshal at least once during the season and by taking on this responsibility you will see your child participate in all events during the day.


age group helpers

Each field event requires numerous helpers to ensure it's successful running.  This includes event chiefs, spikers, fetchers, recorders, rakers, bar lifters.  Get involved - it is a great way to view your child's performance up close.

It has been proven that parents that get involved with their kids sport will give them the confidence and support to be their best.

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